over the past few years, i have followed various friends projects, documenting 365 days of pictures or the first year of baby's life, or maybe a month of songs. i have questioned doing such things, and have thought about what a commitment it would take and of course how it would be hard without say an iphone to document them. but i have been doing some thinking lately, and more than memories or songs, i want my life to be marked by certain qualities. as i was thinking about this, the word gratitude came to mind. as i was beginning to write this, i flipped over to webster.com for a dictionary definition of the word, and my heart jumped for joy: "gratitude: the state of being thankful" wow. so for the next year (in addition to many other things) i want to strive for this quality. i want to live in a way of gratitude.

10 August 2011

24. friends that live close by

we love where we live- love living in the city- but the one thing we miss sometimes is living near our friends for little reasons like spontaneously having folks over for dinner. not many people just up and drive to the city for dinner, especially on a "school night." but tonight, we were thankful to entertain & feed our friends ty & molly. i am so grateful for friends with history- memories from college and now memories as married couples living in the city. i am grateful for friends to discuss c.s.lewis and cognitive development and tv shows with. i am grateful for friends close by. :)

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