over the past few years, i have followed various friends projects, documenting 365 days of pictures or the first year of baby's life, or maybe a month of songs. i have questioned doing such things, and have thought about what a commitment it would take and of course how it would be hard without say an iphone to document them. but i have been doing some thinking lately, and more than memories or songs, i want my life to be marked by certain qualities. as i was thinking about this, the word gratitude came to mind. as i was beginning to write this, i flipped over to webster.com for a dictionary definition of the word, and my heart jumped for joy: "gratitude: the state of being thankful" wow. so for the next year (in addition to many other things) i want to strive for this quality. i want to live in a way of gratitude.

31 July 2011

14. sundays

after a week of busyness, work, friends, life, running, and everything else, i am so thankful for sundays. i am so thankful that God created us to need rest, and ordered our days to encourage us to take a day to acknowledge him and rest in His goodness. sometimes, that rest is in the form of sleep or laziness, but sometimes, it is resting in the simple pleasures he provides. friends, figs, snocones, grlls, crunchy potatoes, movies, couches, and time to look to Him. i am so thankful for how He has crafted me to need Him and to need to rest in Him. i am thankful for Sundays.

13. peaches

this morning, we went to the green market in piedmont park, and after admiring all of the vendors booths and goods that they were selling, we settled on a bag of peaches from a local farm in south georgia. after enjoying the sun and a surprise visit from nathan's sister, we headed home for a quick shower before going to celebrate a 1st birthday with some friends. in the car, we brought a few of our peaches as a snack, and as soon as we took a bite, i was reminded of how thankful i am that God is creative and loves us in such a way that he would create something as wonderfully delicious as peaches. nathan and i got into a discussion about how amazing it is that a seed, some dirt, some sun, and some water can turn out so magnificent as a peach. i am so thankful for their juicy, plump, filling, sweet goodness.

29 July 2011

12. my nephews & sticky ice cream kisses

tonight, we had dinner with nathan's parents and one of his sisters and her husband and- our two nephews! grant (hannah & jaqs boy) is 2 years and five months and tristan (jacks boy) is 2 1/2. they are the cutest little guys ever, and as they played with us and talked to us and finally had to say goodbye, i am so thankful for them. we love them greatly, and i truly do thank God for them each time we get to see them. as they kissed and hugged us good bye, i was reminded once again how thankful i am for family & sweet little boy kisses with a side of leftover ice cream.

28 July 2011

11. my mom

i am so thankful for my mom. tonight, we attended a viking cooking class (more about that tomorrow on my other blog), and it was just so great to laugh and cook and eat and visit. we took it with a group of ladies, and it made me so thankful to know that now, shes not just my mom, shes my friend. i am so thankful for her.

27 July 2011

10. crossing things off my to do list

man, nothing beats a long to do list with lots of things marked off. i am always so thankful for the wave of relief & accomplishment that comes with each mark through. today was busy at the office, and after making my list this morning (its a daily ritual for me), i was so grateful to leave with most of the things done. i write mine in sharpie, and i love the definitive doneness of each mark through. follow up emails? did it. load budget? done. lunch desk duty? finished. evaluate error in reports? check. this list went on, but it was conquered. i am so thankful for the achiever in me sometimes. its the little things that make me happy, ya know?

26 July 2011

9. the way my legs burn after a good run

i am so thankful for how strong my body can be. i mean, how cool is it that our bodies can do things like run four miles in the hot sun?! i am always so grateful for a run, especially a long one, and how the feeling stays with me the whole night. it makes me want to get up and do it again. 

25 July 2011

8. youve got mail

When I am sad, scared, bored, or insecure, this movie is my security blanket. I am so thankful for the sweet story and the calming effect it has on me.

24 July 2011

7. shane & shane

back in high school, i was introduced to the band shane & shane and ever since, i have been quite a fan. while driving home from church today, i opted to switch on the ipod (in lieu of my traditional talkradio) and decided on some shane & shane. i am so thankful for how they turn my heart's affection and mind's attention to christ. even after arriving home, i came in and switched on pandora for a while to the shane & shane station, but soon just went straight to the laptop, putting it on shuffle through all my shane & shane stuff. i am so grateful for music that humbles me, speaks to me, challenges me, and encourages me every time. 

23 July 2011

6. a blue sky with a few clouds and lots of sun

have you been outside yet today? at least where we live, its perfect! this week has been full of days like today, and it makes me grateful for the simple pleasure of  pretty white clouds on a sunny day. i started noticing them again last saturday when we went to stone mountain with our lifegroup, and every day they have caught my eye. i love how when the clouds blow over the sun, the air instantly cools a bit and a breeze comes, and it seems to accentuate the warmth and glow of the sun after the clouds pass. i love looking up and seeing the sky peppered with the fluffy things. its so calming, and reminds me of just how small i am. funny how sometimes that feeling can be so scary, and yet sometimes so  humbling and exciting. thats how i felt today looking up. what a great God that would create such a beautiful way to water the earth- and create our minds and eyes in such a way to enjoy even the look of them. 

5. ash

while i didn't get a chance to post this yesterday, it was on my mind. i spent most of the day with my best friend ash and it reminded me of how thankful i am for her friendship and presence in my life. we have been friends since high school, and i treasure how she has remained in my life. yesterday was her last day of summer vacation before returning to her job as teacher, and in a way, it was our last summer day as childless friends. next summer, and for the rest of our summer days, we will have kids in tow, with sunscreen and toys and nap schedules lingering over us. i'm excited about that, but it was a day of being grateful for what has been, and anticipating what is to come. i am so excited for ash. she is going to make a killer mom. i'm grateful to be her friend in the process of her pregnancy, as it has given me a chance to think about things that i wouldn't have without such an up close perspective.  last night, we sat around the dinner table with our husbands and were discussing topics such as schooling and what not, and i was reminded of how grateful i am to have someone (besides nathan of course) to really talk through things with. ash has been that person for a while- even back in high school, the way we would study for tests is i would talk through all the material with her, and in doing so, reinforce what i know while also allowing her to hear it one more time to cement it in her mind. i am thankful for a friend that i can talk through anything with- and thankful that she can summarize it at the end and succinctly tell me what i was trying to get out. i am so thankful for ash.

21 July 2011

4. clean teeth

i visited the dentist today (for the first time in five years...oops) and i remembered how thankful i am for clean teeth. after getting them scraped ) scrubbed, i love how smooth they feel, and how you can feel each individual tooth. i am thankful for the simple pleasures like this, when a little something like smooth teeth puts a smile on your face. :)

20 July 2011

3. the word of God

just when i have no words, and dont know where to turn, God's word always holds truth. always.  God is truth, and His word is a collection of His promises.  there are some hard truths, and some relieving truths. truths that encourage, inspire, humble, help, challenge, energize, and direct. God always speaks through His word. His word never returns void. i am so thankful for His Word. this morning, while reading for my daily quiet time (i've been reading through john and romans), i came across this passage, and it reminded me how thankful i am for the truth of scripture.

"as for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions...who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? it is before his own master that he stands or falls. and he will be upheld, for the Lord is able to make him stand...why do you pass judgement on your brother? or you, why do you despise your brother? for we will all stand before the judgment seat of God; for it is written, as i live says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God. so then each of use will give an account of himself to God. therefore let us not pass judgment on one another any longer, but rather decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother...for the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. whoever thus serves Chris is acceptable to God and approved by men. so then let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding...." - romans 14

19 July 2011

2. sharpies

its true, sharpies are thebomb.com. i have always been a fan- nothing writes better. and one of my favorite things? their consistency. i know exactly how a extra fine point sharpie will write everytime. its pretty much all i use to write with (except in my planner). and while they seem trivial, i am quite thankful for them. especially a large assortment of them in many different colors.

18 July 2011

1. coffee

it might sound trivial, but on days like today, after not getting much sleep, coffee is one thing i am quite thankful for. in the mornings, when i am groggy and foggy, a freshly brewed cup can help me make it through the rest of the day. i like mine black, in a ceramic mug, with whipped cream on top.
as well as a morning pick me up, i am so thankful for sweet moments over coffee with the people i love most- nathan, mom & dad, and my friends.