over the past few years, i have followed various friends projects, documenting 365 days of pictures or the first year of baby's life, or maybe a month of songs. i have questioned doing such things, and have thought about what a commitment it would take and of course how it would be hard without say an iphone to document them. but i have been doing some thinking lately, and more than memories or songs, i want my life to be marked by certain qualities. as i was thinking about this, the word gratitude came to mind. as i was beginning to write this, i flipped over to webster.com for a dictionary definition of the word, and my heart jumped for joy: "gratitude: the state of being thankful" wow. so for the next year (in addition to many other things) i want to strive for this quality. i want to live in a way of gratitude.

31 July 2011

13. peaches

this morning, we went to the green market in piedmont park, and after admiring all of the vendors booths and goods that they were selling, we settled on a bag of peaches from a local farm in south georgia. after enjoying the sun and a surprise visit from nathan's sister, we headed home for a quick shower before going to celebrate a 1st birthday with some friends. in the car, we brought a few of our peaches as a snack, and as soon as we took a bite, i was reminded of how thankful i am that God is creative and loves us in such a way that he would create something as wonderfully delicious as peaches. nathan and i got into a discussion about how amazing it is that a seed, some dirt, some sun, and some water can turn out so magnificent as a peach. i am so thankful for their juicy, plump, filling, sweet goodness.

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