over the past few years, i have followed various friends projects, documenting 365 days of pictures or the first year of baby's life, or maybe a month of songs. i have questioned doing such things, and have thought about what a commitment it would take and of course how it would be hard without say an iphone to document them. but i have been doing some thinking lately, and more than memories or songs, i want my life to be marked by certain qualities. as i was thinking about this, the word gratitude came to mind. as i was beginning to write this, i flipped over to webster.com for a dictionary definition of the word, and my heart jumped for joy: "gratitude: the state of being thankful" wow. so for the next year (in addition to many other things) i want to strive for this quality. i want to live in a way of gratitude.

23 July 2011

5. ash

while i didn't get a chance to post this yesterday, it was on my mind. i spent most of the day with my best friend ash and it reminded me of how thankful i am for her friendship and presence in my life. we have been friends since high school, and i treasure how she has remained in my life. yesterday was her last day of summer vacation before returning to her job as teacher, and in a way, it was our last summer day as childless friends. next summer, and for the rest of our summer days, we will have kids in tow, with sunscreen and toys and nap schedules lingering over us. i'm excited about that, but it was a day of being grateful for what has been, and anticipating what is to come. i am so excited for ash. she is going to make a killer mom. i'm grateful to be her friend in the process of her pregnancy, as it has given me a chance to think about things that i wouldn't have without such an up close perspective.  last night, we sat around the dinner table with our husbands and were discussing topics such as schooling and what not, and i was reminded of how grateful i am to have someone (besides nathan of course) to really talk through things with. ash has been that person for a while- even back in high school, the way we would study for tests is i would talk through all the material with her, and in doing so, reinforce what i know while also allowing her to hear it one more time to cement it in her mind. i am thankful for a friend that i can talk through anything with- and thankful that she can summarize it at the end and succinctly tell me what i was trying to get out. i am so thankful for ash.

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