over the past few years, i have followed various friends projects, documenting 365 days of pictures or the first year of baby's life, or maybe a month of songs. i have questioned doing such things, and have thought about what a commitment it would take and of course how it would be hard without say an iphone to document them. but i have been doing some thinking lately, and more than memories or songs, i want my life to be marked by certain qualities. as i was thinking about this, the word gratitude came to mind. as i was beginning to write this, i flipped over to webster.com for a dictionary definition of the word, and my heart jumped for joy: "gratitude: the state of being thankful" wow. so for the next year (in addition to many other things) i want to strive for this quality. i want to live in a way of gratitude.

23 July 2011

6. a blue sky with a few clouds and lots of sun

have you been outside yet today? at least where we live, its perfect! this week has been full of days like today, and it makes me grateful for the simple pleasure of  pretty white clouds on a sunny day. i started noticing them again last saturday when we went to stone mountain with our lifegroup, and every day they have caught my eye. i love how when the clouds blow over the sun, the air instantly cools a bit and a breeze comes, and it seems to accentuate the warmth and glow of the sun after the clouds pass. i love looking up and seeing the sky peppered with the fluffy things. its so calming, and reminds me of just how small i am. funny how sometimes that feeling can be so scary, and yet sometimes so  humbling and exciting. thats how i felt today looking up. what a great God that would create such a beautiful way to water the earth- and create our minds and eyes in such a way to enjoy even the look of them. 

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